As believers, we are called to have a deep, personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. This divine connection is the key to unlocking the fullness of God’s power and guidance in our lives. But how do we cultivate this sacred bond?



Holy Spirit Connection Can Be Easy or Difficult. Your Choice


The Holy Spirit is the third person in the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is God. Why are there so many experts telling Christians how to access His presence? His presence is a natural flow. Listen, watch, and obey Him as He speaks to your spirit. A connection, a sweet spot, gets stronger with practice. Love propels the Holy Spirit connection and moves the flow from Him to the Christian and vice versa.

Holy Spirit Connection Is Hearing His Voice

The Holy Spirit will begin to speak to you.  There are many ways for a believer to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit.   The Holy Spirit gives revelation knowledge in the Word of God, offers visions, prophesies, dreams, and anointed ministering of healing and deliverance to you and to others through you. You must be in His power when you participate in the gifts. If you are not in His power, then you are pretending to have these gifts. Do not pretend: get into connection when ministering to others.

The Holy Spirit will always speak in agreement with the Word of God—the Bible. Other spirits advise in contradiction to the Bible. Knowing the Bible totally and in context is vital to testing the spirits.

In contrast to other spirits who promise anything you desire, the Holy Spirit promises alignment with a holy and just God. If you permit the Holy Spirit to show you how to overcome self-indulgent thinking and behaviors, your bad habits will begin to get cleaned up. Your ego will start to get smaller, and the presence of God will begin to manifest in your life.  

In contrast to a spirit possessing your mind and body with fear and torment, the Holy Spirit will give you spiritual fruit and supernatural gifts. You will have Peace of mind, the ability to sleep, and the ability to care for your body in a balanced way. Your life will become orderly and washed clean of bad habits.

What Activities Christians Need to Bring the Presence of God

Sometimes the presence of God will manifest when you worship and praise Him.  Most Christian leaders will say praise, worship, meditate on the scriptures, and attend church. One of the most important ways to get into the Holy Spirit’s presence is to listen and watch His Presence. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity. He will manifest when you least expect Him to come. The Holy Spirit Connection is being aware of when He comes. He is the leader; you will connect with Him when you watch and listen to Him.

The presence of God is an extraordinary and holy manifestation that gives spiritual satisfaction when you cannot hold one drop more of God’s presence. God’s presence is manifested often when a believer is baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Many people will cry or laugh or sign when they feel the presence of God.  The individual reaction will differ, but the soul and mind are filled with Peace.  What a blessing!

The manifestation of God’s presence includes the anointing for spiritual gifts such as healing, prophesy, tongues, and interpretation of tongues. The Holy Spirit connection is to trust and obey Him. Do what He is telling you to do. He is the leader of your Holy Spirit Connection.

The manifestation of God’s presence can be so great that we feel “in the Holy Spirit” by falling under God’s powerful presence. (When this happens, the person usually falls backward, and a Christian is assigned to be a “catcher” to ensure that the person falls comfortably to the floor.)  Some people may shake or laugh with joy.  

Falling under the power of God might begin a cleansing process in which you are in the presence of God and begin to cry, but you really do not know why at the time.  As time passes, the Holy Spirit brings to your mind an experience, hurt, or way of thinking that needs to be changed.    

In contrast to spirits’ activity, the Holy Spirit moves with gentleness and peacefulness. You can always reject these manifestations. A person who indeed shows these responses to the presence of God is yielded, obedient, and has a strong relationship with God. Recently, I experienced the presence of God, and my reaction was that I fell down in the presence of God. The experience was one of great Peace. I felt the touch of a kind, loving, firm, gentle Father who cared for me.  

A separation is an option.  You always have control.  If you want to stop following God, you are allowed.  God does not force you to stay. 

The Holy Spirit is a person. He is a divine being who has been present with God from eternity past and who shares in the fullness of God’s nature. The Holy Spirit works in the world to bring people to know Jesus as Lord and Savior, enlighten their minds, soften their hard hearts, convert sinners from darkness to light, and fill believers with love for others.